Saturday, October 27, 2012
Hey there PokeFanatics:)
Hey there you see!!:) long time no see:)!! I know I literally haven't posted in forever but I'm back now and I'm gonna visit regularly I know I must really have new visitors cuz my numbers of ppl that visit this page have sky-rocketed!!:) and I miss you my old viewers and I hope to see you again new viewers, kay so I'm gonna get to my Pokemon who got Pokemon black or white two?:) I did!! Like this post if you did:) and in teh comments put you're friend request, and I'm almost done with the game, o well sorry this is a lame post I wanna get back to my game!:) bye guys have fun today:)!! And here's your now daily picture!:D
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Spreading the word!! to the world of pokemon!:D
Ok, im excited. So i also have a dsiXL along with my 3ds soim on this thing called flipnote hatnea, were you make flipnotes! Also if any of you have an account, my nickname is ninjaboys with a star and ashs snivy! so add me and spread the world about my blog and guys please click on the ads!!! Im tryin to raise money to buy pokemon stuff for a GIVE-AWAY!! and by clicking on the ads you'll help me raise money faster and then i can start the give away! so yea. this is kind short cause im havin issues of what do this weekend for the blog! any ideas anyone?? i was thinking of showing sme of my drawings of pokemon,you know? also im kinda getting into digimon again lookin for toys and stuff like that and any help is appreciated!Thanks bye and PS i WILL do the pokemon of the week this week!:) and i might start adding comics to the posts, i hope you enjoy them!!!:) and i know they run in the sidelines! i just wanna make sure you guys can read it and alot of these comics are from so yea!!!!!!!! and some cool 3d pokemon stuff comment, give ideas and enjoy!!!:)
Monday, May 28, 2012
Hey guys that are on right now thanks for coming and i would love to hear wat you think of the blog in the comments!!!:)
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Pokemon of the week!
Yes, i know, im 2 days late, im sorry i mean when you get a 3ds, its not very easy to put down! Anyways scince im always so slow on these things i decided to pick a slow pokemon! Its... Blastoise!!!
Blastoise was always my favorite kanto starter, and it'll never change:), Blastoise is like a giant water tank, with an arsenal of to giant cannons that shoot water with enough force to put holes in steel wall(as said in its pokemon card)! Even if its really heavy and slow doesnt mean you cant use him! What he lacks in speed he gains in power making him a good part of any team. When i first got pokemon yellow version from my friend i though it sucked, cause you HAD to start out with pikachu, then i was like OMG you can get al the other starters from other people! And Blastoise was the second fully evolved pokemon that i got to lvl. 100, after my giratina in platinum.

So the shell blastoise has on, is grown from his body scince it was a tiny squirtles, baisiclly attached to its body! Blastoise is also the mascot for the blue game on the gameboy color when What i like about blastoise is that its one of those old school dependable pokemon that never let you down(if you train it right that is)! I'm not saying that the newer seasons are bad( even though most of the new pokemon look like they we're made because they ran out of ideas), it's just i mean just because its newer doesn't mean its dependable, but i do love ALOT of the neviryw pokemon like Braiviry! So Heres the pokemon of the week for ya!!! P.S Sorry its so short but, i've got a headacheE!Bye see you next time!!
Yes i know this gif is kinda creepy!
Blastoise was always my favorite kanto starter, and it'll never change:), Blastoise is like a giant water tank, with an arsenal of to giant cannons that shoot water with enough force to put holes in steel wall(as said in its pokemon card)! Even if its really heavy and slow doesnt mean you cant use him! What he lacks in speed he gains in power making him a good part of any team. When i first got pokemon yellow version from my friend i though it sucked, cause you HAD to start out with pikachu, then i was like OMG you can get al the other starters from other people! And Blastoise was the second fully evolved pokemon that i got to lvl. 100, after my giratina in platinum.

Yes i know this gif is kinda creepy!
Saturday, May 19, 2012
★ Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2 - New B/W 2 Animated Trailer Short...
Enjoy this japenese trailer i found!! its epic!!:
Hello! & Welcome! to PokemonElite!!!
Hi. if your here, you've entered my blog 4 pokemon! If you've been here before then i apperciate you coming back and hope you continue you to do so, and i would be thankful if you would click on the ads ive placed on the blog then come back then thanks alot!!
If your new though, hi and welcome this blog is all about pokemon(obviously)! let me tell you about myself! I attend (truman)middle school(well not anymore scince i just had the school graduation party! so technically im a freshman)!! Im am of asian nationallity but i was born here!! I started this blog after our comm. arts teacher made a blog for us so we could write on the blog instead of in our notebooks and so we could show the world that middle schoolers have stories that should be heard to( if you would like to visit the site its so enough of me! If you visited i would love you to follow us by making an account and sending me an email at and ill reply as soon as i can! anything you would like to see on the blog i would love to put on the blog so just tell me an i will, and check out ou facebook page!! Also i would like to tell you that if there are any spelling errors or grammar problems, im sorry, my laptop has sticky keys only typing like half the things i type!! On the blog i have alot of gifs on the the sides because i love them and i HATE empty space so yeah and theres a link list, clicking on one will bring you to some of the coolest pokemon sites ive been to and the official sites 2!!! I would also like if you guys would vote on the polls i put up and leave me a comment! I also have put in 2 NEW videobars on each side bar about POKEMON BALCK AND WHITE 2 AND POKEMON BLACK AND WHITE 2 GAMEPLAY!!!! so guys can watch those when ever you guys want. Enjoy!!! And after this post is a bunch of cool pokemon images i found!!!!
ENJOY!! thanks for coming!!!!!!
Friday, May 18, 2012
Even more cool pokepics!!!:)
Here are some more cool pokemon images and pokemon gifs i found,Enjoy!!:)

Havin supper pokemon style:) ( i do not mean to offend anyone if you dont like this, then tell me and i'll delete it!)
The ultimate pokemon trainer, you don't even have to try to know you'll lose
The battle between pokemon and Yu-gi-o begins!:)

Havin supper pokemon style:) ( i do not mean to offend anyone if you dont like this, then tell me and i'll delete it!)

water pokemon paradise!!:)
:) charziard gif
is this true for anyone?!?:)
All out pokemon starter attack!!:)
We've prepared all we can:)
This is EPIC!!!:)
I hoped you guys enjoyed!!:) im so excited i almost have up to a thousand views!! Oh, and a if u see an advertisment on the blog somewhere plzzzz click on i would really appreciate that!!!! Thanks guys!!!!!!:)
Heres a video for barry!!:)

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