Yes, i know, im 2 days late, im sorry i mean when you get a 3ds, its not very easy to put down! Anyways scince im always so slow on these things i decided to pick a slow pokemon! Its... Blastoise!!!
Blastoise was always my favorite kanto starter, and it'll never change:), Blastoise is like a giant water tank, with an arsenal of to giant cannons that shoot water with enough force to put holes in steel wall(as said in its pokemon card)! Even if its really heavy and slow doesnt mean you cant use him! What he lacks in speed he gains in power making him a good part of any team. When i first got pokemon yellow version from my friend i though it sucked, cause you HAD to start out with pikachu, then i was like OMG you can get al the other starters from other people! And Blastoise was the second fully evolved pokemon that i got to lvl. 100, after my giratina in platinum. So the shell blastoise has on, is grown from his body scince it was a tiny squirtles, baisiclly attached to its body! Blastoise is also the mascot for the blue game on the gameboy color when What i like about blastoise is that its one of those old school dependable pokemon that never let you down(if you train it right that is)! I'm not saying that the newer seasons are bad( even though most of the new pokemon look like they we're made because they ran out of ideas), it's just i mean just because its newer doesn't mean its dependable, but i do love ALOT of the neviryw pokemon like Braiviry! So Heres the pokemon of the week for ya!!! P.S Sorry its so short but, i've got a headacheE!Bye see you next time!!
Yes i know this gif is kinda creepy!
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