IM so very, very sorry i had a lot going on these past days, i was trying to make some money for a 3ds, and im getting one!!!!:) Im very sorry but lets move on and this will never happen again. So this week scince i havent been here for a while ill pick two pokemon, 2 of my favorites actually and there a pair too!! So Guess WHO it is, its.... Darkrai and Cresselia!!!:) Darkrai and cresselia are always part of my ledgendary teams, and mostly, i only need him. Darkrai is a sure fire way to win any pokemon if you want an actual strategy. The way i use him is first i put the challenger to sleep with his darkvoid or a sleeping move, then i would use night mare, along with his bad dream ability that cuts down there health then use dream eater if you were damanged before you put the challenger asleep chipping away even MORE health and regaining health for yourself! See! using darkrai is a win-win situation( for You anyways!!) Cresselia is more of an defensive wall for me with an awsome defense and with bold or modest nature can bring her up new attack hieghts!!:) so for cresselia i have it with 444 hp, 293 attk, 339 def., spA is 249 & spD is 359, although her speed is at a staggering 295(ouch!), these are really good stats for me its just barley above darkrai:). but for her i use moonlight/any good healing move that she can learn, thunderwave, icebeam, and reflect. Reflect allows Cresselia and the team to take reduced damage from physical attacks, which Cresselia tends to fear. Moonlight heals off any damage that Cresselia might have taken. Moonlight can only heal 25% health but with her great defense healing will probaly make her hav full health.
You could also use rest but thre will be a disadvantage of being asleep for two turns. Ice Beam takes down any Dragon-type Pokemon who can pose a major threat to your team. Thunder Wave cripples any Pokemon who try to set up against Cresselia. Psychic may be used as a STAB attack to take down Infernape and any unsuspecting Gengar who may try to 2HKO you with Shadow Ball. However, Psychic has poor coverage in OU, and Thunder Wave is still more useful because it can cripple those two anyway, and there you go! I've always loved these two because they were so cool, but when i first got the i had NO idea howto use eithir of them so it goes to show you still gotta try when you cant make it... or something like that:) Hope you enjoyed!!!!Also i put in extra videos scince i was late!!Srry! Enjoy:)
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