Hey there fellow trainers!!!:) i apologize deeply for not been active for soooo long but school is really hard now! highschools no walk in the park! Anyways im here with exciting news! there is a new pokemon game coming out! Im sure most of you know buy now almost everyone does! but this is really cool its the first 3d pokemon game! Bad news.. its only for 3ds... Good news: i got one!!!!:) bad news.. some of you don't. O well you'll get one eventually! mabye.. haha. Okay so whats been realased is the starters: Chespin the grass type, Fennikin( don't know if thats spelled right) the fire type, and Froakie the water type. and the two ledgendaries!The Pokemon X Legendary is called Xerneas (pronounced Zurr-nee-us).
And The Pokemon Y mascot is called Yveltal (pronounced ee-vell-tall).
Know. I think this will be a pretty good game. i mean com'on its gonna be 3d and thers new pokemon! Now some of them might not fancy all of you but ive always loved all pokemon whatever the gen. except for vanillish... i hate that thing.... Well im off sorry if this was so short ill try and start to post more!!!:) and heres the video and pic as usual!:)
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