
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

New Additions to the Site!!

     Hey!!, me and my associate:) have ben taking and we've decided a couple of things, so:
  •    My friend is going to start helping me on the blog so i'm not late on anything, just incase.
  • We're thinking of sarting reviews for the:
  •              1.Any characters on the show(mostly the important ones mostly, some times the xtras!)      
  •               2. The cards, rare ones, cool ones..... ALL OF THEM!!!
  •                3. The episodes, probably the recent ones and some of the old ones, my friend will probably do that scince i don't have carton network anymore!!:(
          4. Any thing else you would ike to see on here, i would love to here it and i appreciate any ideas!!!!
                       Also, i just wante to add this, me and my friend that are doing this blog, are
                        kids not adults just if your wondering, we're in middle school, but that's all i'm sayin scince im aware of "certain people" in this world if you know what i mean so heres a video!!! bye.

P.S>>Here's a sneek peek at the next pokemon of the week!!!
(well one of them!, wich one do think its gonna be!!!!)


  1. Hello. I am the associate. don't believe me? Well I know the next P.O.T.W. It's Umbreon.;)

  2. Well yes i belive it because we dicussed it!!!!Silly you, ou think i wouldn't remember!!!:)
